Friday 22 February 2013

You can handle it

"I will not let you be tested beyond what you can endure." - 1 Corinthians 10:13

Everyone will go through problems in their life. It's the way life is. There will be ups and down but He is always with us. He never delivers a problem that He doesn't think you can handle. Everything that happens in our lives are tests. We can endure all of them because He has faith in us. He knows we can overcome those problems and that's why He won't test us beyond what we can endure.


Thursday 21 February 2013

Our Father

"I will be a real father to you." - Corinthians 6:18

Some of us come from broken homes, broken families. Some of us do not have mothers, some do not have fathers, some do not have both.

Some of us have good parents and we still take them for granted when they refuse to get us what we want or refuse to listen to our childish needs. Why do we disobey them? Why do we hurt them?
Even though sometimes we feel like they do not love us, that is not possible because no parent can hate their child, even if they say they do or even if they act like that some times. Do not underestimate their love for you for they love you more than anyone else in the entire world can.

Some of us do not have parents and we wish so much for a family to love and care for us. We are forgetting our Father. The one parent who created us and made us his own. The one who loves us even more than a earthly father does. He will fight for us, stand up for us, love us, care for us, heal us when we're hurt and he can never leave us. He is Our Father. He is the family we need and have and for that, we must be grateful. We should be happy and content.

He is our Real Father.

Polish yourself

"I will go before you and fight your battles." - Deuteronomy 1:30

Polish youself that you may be the best that you can be. Reflect the good deeds of others and do good deeds that others may reflect your good deeds. Mirror the good in others and not the bad.
Be yourself and be someone you are proud to be. Don't do wrong things because others are doing them and do not let others persuade you to do the wrong things with them. Be sure of who you are and who you want to be and be sure that other people are not being negatively affected by you. Set good examples for those who are younger than you and for those who look up to you as a role model. If you aren't a role model to anyone, try to be because then you have a reason to do good things and be a good person.

Know that God is always watching every move you make and know that He is proud of you and you make Him proud when you spread the good news or do good things or help people who are in need. God loves all His children and you may disappoint him by doing bad things but he always forgive you for you mistakes because he is all forgiving.

Be the mirror of goodness for people will reflect your good deeds.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

"Forgive and Forget"

"I will forgive your sins and then forget them." - Hebrews 8:12

Can anybody be all forgiving?

Jesus is.
He forgives everyones sins and forgets them even though he was crucified on the cross for all our sins.

We all sin. We all have done something wrong atleast once in our lives and we feel sorry for them. As long as we feel sorry for them, He will forgive us. Not everyone can just forgive someone for the wrong that they have done. When someone hurts us or says something wrong, some of us do not redily forgive them but we should because if He can forgive us for things much larger, then we can fogive those who hurt us. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone can forgive. We can learn to forgive. And after we forgive, those things might still be hard to forget but if we try and ask Him for help, it isn't impossible.

He forgives everything as long as we ask for forgiveness.

Overcome the World

"My children will overcome the world through their Faith." - 1 John 5:4

As long as we have faith, we can overcome anything and everything for we are the children of God.
We go through so many hard times in our lives. We have problems at home. Fights in our families. Fights with friends. Bullies at school who make us feel bad about ourselves. But there is so much more to life than just feeling sorry for ourselves and feeling like we've lost everything, when the truth is that we haven't lost anything. If we just take a few moments to talk to Him, we get can out of those problems and even though we still have to go back to those bad situations, we know that He is still with us.

There are many people who will try to make us insecure and feel bad about ourselves but why should we listen to them. We are all the same. We are all made by the same Hand. We are all perfect in our own ways and no one has the right to tell us that we have something wrong with us. Don't feel bad about yourself and don't listen to those who make you feel like that, for they do not know you or your life or why you were born into this world. He will help you get through everything as long as you have faith in Him. As long as you know that He is right there, holding you hand, standing beside you, protecting you, you have nothing to fear.

We can overcome the world through our Faith. 


Waiting for Love?

"You are precious and I love you." - Isaiah 43:4

Love is something that makes us jealous. It hurts us and scars us. But it also makes us happy when we have it. It makes us feel like there's something or someone to live for.
These days no one really knows what the true meaning of love. Everyone connects love to a boyfriend or girlfriend. Everyone feels jealous and depressed when they see other couples together and they feel like they have no one and will find no one who loves them.

I wish those people would open their eyes and see that they have someone to live for. They have someone who loves them even when they think that they'll never find love. They have someone who loves them unconditionally even if they don't see it or believe it. Jesus. Our Saviour.
He has enough love for everyone and having a "boyfriend/ girlfriend" is not the only kind of love in the world. God has given us so many people who love us and we don't even think of them when we say that no one will ever love us.
So think of those people and think of Jesus. He gave his life for us. If that isn't love for us, what is? Even if we still need someone to be with and to spend the rest of our lives with, remember - God is saving you for you for someone Special.



May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. - Romans 15:13

Never blame any day in your life.
Good days will give you happiness.
Bad days will give you experience.
Worst days teach you a lesson.

It's good to have hope because then you have something to look forward to. You might be going through a bad time in life but hope can pull you through because as long as you hope, something good can happen. Do not lose hope just because something or someone brings you down because only you know yourself and only you should be able to bring yourself down. Other people's words are just words which are meaningless until you give them meaning.

Have hope and faith in yourself and the people important to you and most of all, have hope and faith in Jesus because He's always waiting to see when you will confide in Him. He wants to be your shoulder to cry on and the most important person in your life, if only you let Him. You might not always understand God's decisions but always accept them because His decisions are better than you think they are.

As long as you are alive, have Hope because Hope can change your life.